Free IPv6 Transit with AS214809

We offer IPv6 transit services to help you connect to the global IPv6 internet.

Our transit policy is straightforward. We expect the following from our customers:

We give out free IPv6 transit to hobbynets and non-profit organizations over GRE/VXLAN tunnels and over IX. Our free transit services are 100M on 1G fair use.

We add your AS-SET to ours after a check, if we notice your AS-SET includes any peers, your AS-SET will not be added to AS214809:AS-ALL.

We have strict prefix limits, please let us know what you need.

If you have any questions or would like to request transit services, please contact us at [email protected].

For a list of our IXPs, please refer to our peering policy.

Please note that our free transit services do not include SLA.

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